
FOREST Overview xforest

Tool xforest

The FOREST approach is supported by the tool xforest. In the current version xforest provides the following features:

input of a natural language problem specification (NLPS) as lists of facts and needs including a dictionary
input of a formal problem specification (FPS) according to the product model of the FOREST approach
setting up various traceability relations
input of requirement patterns
producing various projections of an NLPS and FPS as Postscript and hyperlinked html documents
a comfortable graphical user interface

For more details concerning the tool xforest we refer to T. Schmidt-Samoa: FoReST: Entwurf und Implementierung einer Umgebung zur Erstellung formaler System-Anforderungs-Beschreibungen, Diploma Thesis, 1999, Department of Computer Science, University of Kaiserslautern.


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