Automated Generation of Micro Protocol Descriptions from SDL Design Specifications

I. Fliege, R. Gotzhein

in: Emmanuel Gaudin, Elie Najm, Rick Reed (Eds.), SDL 2007: Design for Dependable Systems, 13th International SDL Forum, Paris, France, LNCS 4745, Springer, 2007, pp. 150-165


A micro protocol is a ready-to-use, self-contained, distributed component that supports structuring of complex communication systems, and reuse of well proven elementary communication solutions. Micro protocol designs can be formally specified with SDL. For documentation purposes and effective reuse, these SDL designs are augmented by further description elements, for instance, typical scenarios capturing the micro protocol service and the interaction of micro protocol entities. In this paper, we show how these additional description elements can be generated from an augmented micro protocol design specification. We have devised a tool that creates a PDF file, containing the complete micro protocol description with graphical elements and a link to the SDL design specification. Our approach enhances the maintenance of micro protocol libraries, and supports the consistency of micro protocol description elements and SDL designs.


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