Model-driven Development of Time-critical Protocols with SDL-MDD

P. Becker, D. Christmann, R. Gotzhein

in: R. Reed, A. Bilgic, R. Gotzhein (Eds.), SDL 2009 – Design for Motes and Mobiles, 14th International SDL Forum, Bochum, Germany, LNCS 5719, Springer, 2009, pp. 35-54


Contention-based medium access in wireless networks suffers from the problem of frame collisions. In previous work, we have introduced new transfer protocols for the network-wide transmission of bit sequences that overcome the problem of destructive collisions. In this paper, we present the model-driven development of these protocols with SDL-MDD and its SDL tool chain. On the one hand, we show how to formally specify low-level functionality and time-critical behavior -- network-wide deterministic arbitration -- using the available constructs of a high-level design language. On the other hand, we show the embedding of this high-level design into our SDL execution environment that is extended to support time-critical requirements of the introduced transfer protocols.


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