Open Estelle - An FDT for Open Distributed Systems

J. Thees, R. Gotzhein

in: S. Budkowski, A, Cavalli, E. Najm (Edts.): Formal Destcription Techniques and Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification (FORTE XI/PSTV XVIII'98), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998


An Estelle specification describes a system of communicating components (module instances). The specified system is closed, i.e. it has no ability to interact with some environment. Because of this restriction, open systems can only be specified together with and incorporated into an (Estelle) environment.

To overcome this restriction, we introduce a compatible extension of Estelle, called `Open Estelle'. It allows one to specify open systems (i.e. systems that have the ability to communicate with any environment through a well-defined external interface), as well as their formal incorporation into different environments. We define a formal syntax and a formal semantics for Open Estelle, both based on and extending the syntax and semantics of Estelle. Furthermore, we present a set of tools, including a compiler for the automatic generation of implementations directly from Open Estelle specifications.



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