XEC 1.2.2
XEC - the eXperimental Estelle Compiler


C , C++ Wide-spread programming languages. C++ is an extension of C with object oriented elements.
There are several compilers for C and C++, one of them is GCC.

CONFINE reCOgNition of Feature Interactions in intelligent Networks with Estelle
A tool for the analysis of Estelle specifications. CONFINE makes use of the Estelle compiler frontend PET.

DINGO A tool to create executable implementations from specifications written in Estelle.
DINGO was originally part of the PET-DINGO toolkit.

EC Estelle Compiler
A tool to create executable implementations from specifications written in Estelle.
EC is part of the commercial EDT toolset and creates C code.

EDT Estelle Development Toolset
A commercial set of tools for the development of Estelle specifications. Among other things it contains the estelle compiler EC,and a debugger with text interface. Since it is a commercial software, the sources are not public available.

EFSM Extended Finite State Machine
An extended EFSMs whoes state space may contain variables with limited or unlimited range.

Estelle An internationally standardized FDT designed for the specification of distributed systems, in particular communication protocols.
Estelle specifications describe a hierarchical system of communicating EFSMs.
There are several tools and compilers for Estelle, e.g. XEC, EC, PET-DINGO, CONFINE

FDT Formal Description Technique
A language with a formal (i.e. well defined) syntax and semantics. These are prerequisites for the application of formal methods.
Examples: Estelle, Lotos, SDL

GCC GNU C Compiler
A wide-spread C and C++ compiler. It translates C and C++ sources into machine-executable programs.
GCC is part of the GNU project.

PET Portable Estelle Translator
An Estelle compiler frontend which scans and parses Estelle specifications and translates them into an equivalent binary representation called "PET object file". These object files can be used as input for several tools which analyse (e.g. CONFINE), translate (e.g. XEC, DINGO) or restore them into Estelle specifications (PETRESTORE).
PET was originally part of the PET-DINGO toolkit.

PET-DINGO An Estelle compiler toolkit originally developed by R. Sijelmassi and B. Strausser. It consists of the compiler frontend PET, the code generator DINGO and the restore tool PETRESTORE.

PETRESTORE A tool to restore Estelle specification text from PET object files.
PET was originally part of the PET-DINGO toolkit.

XEC eXperimental Estelle Compiler
A tool to create executable implementations from specifications written in Estelle.
XEC makes use of the Estelle compiler frontend PET and creates object oriented C++ code.
