Pattern-Based Requirements Capture Applied: The SFB 501 Case Study

R. Gotzhein, M. Kronenburg, C. Peper

in: E. Börger, B. Hörger, D. Parnas, D. Rombach (Eds.): "Requirements Capture, Documentation, and Validation", Dagstuhl-Seminar-Report 242, June 1999


The Case Study "Light Control System" of this Dagstuhl Seminar "Requirements Capture / Documentation / Validation" calls for the application of rigorous methods to the specification, inspection, and testing of requirements. To capture the requirements of the case study, we have applied the FoReST (Formal Requirement Specification Technique) approach. This approach serves the following objectives: - development of a precise description of the system requirements - customer feedback on a natural language basis - pattern-based formalisation of requirements - provision of a starting point for the system development team - traceability w.r.t. the original problem description We have developed a comprehensive requirement specification for the case study using the FoReST approach, and have applied pattern-based technologies to formalize most of the properties. The resulting documentation is of substantial size, and has proved useful to several groups of developers. Links to the different parts of the documentation can be found at Online-documentation including the original problem description, documentation of the FoReST approach, various perspectives of the final FoReST specification of the case study and related publications. Postscript- as well as html-versions are available, where html-versions provide online-navigation and traceability support. All documents have been produced using FoReST tools. The final FOREST specification of the case study goes far beyond the original problem description. This is the result of extensive feedback from the customer based on intermediate FoReST specifications, and of questions that arose during the work of the analysis team. All of these questions have been discussed with the customer, and have been resolved.


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