Algorithmen in Ad-Hoc-Netzen (SoSe 2014)
Dates and Locations
Tuesday, 10:00-11:30, 36-438
Begin: 22.04.2014
Note: No lecture on July, 15
Note: Question time on July, 22
Wednesday, 17:15-18:45, 36-438 (about every 2nd week)
Dates: 21.05., 04.06., 11.06., 02.07., 16.07.
Note: The Exercise for Protocol Engineering is held every other week.
Oral exams are offered 06.08., 10.09. and 08.10.
There will be more slots during next lecturing period on demand.
Please inform Prof. Gotzhein by email when registering for the exam.
| News
Latest update: 08.07.2014
| Registration for exercises
The registration will be activated on Thursday, 24.04.14, 14:00.
Only accessible from withing the University Network!
Remarks: The admission requirements for the final exam are:
- participation at 60% of the exercises
- 60% of the mandatory exercises (groups of 2 students are allowed)
Contact: Markus Engel, 36/428
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