Micro Protocol Based Development of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

A. Geraldy, R. Gotzhein

Personal Wireless Communications (PWC 2003), Venice, Italy, 2003


Communication systems are an integral part of large, distributed systems, they form the basis for operating systems and applications. The recent evolution of wireless communication and user mobility has led to a new main research focus, aimed at oring farther advanced and more exible communication services while improving the ective use of communication resources. This requires, among other things, customized and exible mechanisms for unicast and multicast routing as well as for quality of service provision. Customization of communication systems is closely related to an application area, and calls for new protocol engineering techniques that are based on reuse in order to manage the development ert. In the project, customization of protocols for mobile ad hoc networks in the Ambient Intelligence domain (AmI, [1]) will be addressed. Ambient Intelligence is a vision that inherits the dynamic topology and automatic configuration from mobile ad hoc networks, and exceeds ad hoc networks by new applications based on the integration of "intelligent" network devices into everyday's objects. By this large-scale information integration, the AmI vision aims at easing the peoples' life.


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