Cross-Layer Integration in Ad-hoc Networks with Enhanced Best-effort Quality-of-Service Guarantees

C. Webel, I. Fliege, A. Geraldy, R. Gotzhein, M. Krämer, T. Kuhn

Proceedings of the World Telecommunications Congress, Budapest, Hungary, 2006.


In mobile wireless ad-hoc networks, permanent deterministic or statistical quality-of-service guarantees are beyond reach due to varying connectivity and channel characteristics. However, most distributed network applications require a certain network quality-of-service in order to work properly. In this paper, we introduce a new type of QoS guarantee, called enhanced best-effort, which is particularly useful in wireless ad-hoc networks. We argue that this form of guarantee requires adaptive QoS mechanisms that are integrated across layers. The concepts are illustrated by an extensive case study, an airship system with remote flight control and video transmission, which is formally specified and simulated.


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